What is a virtual card?
A virtual card is similar to a typical bank card that you carry in your wallet, however it is digital-only, and does not exist as a physical card.
At Adro, you can have a virtual debit card and/or a virtual credit card. The number on your virtual card(s) will be different from the number on your physical card(s). A virtual card can be issued instantly, while you'll need to wait for a physical card to arrive in the mail.
How do I get a virtual card with Adro?
You'll only need to request a virtual card once. After that, you can view your card details anytime. To request a virtual card:
Login to your Adro account
To request an Adro Debit card, select your Checking account, then click 'Request card'
To request an Adro Credit card, select your Credit account, then click 'Request card'
Select 'Virtual card' to view your card number and other details
How do I use a virtual card to pay online?
Similar to a physical card, you will need to enter the following details from your virtual card when making a purchase online. Simply look for these fields when checking out:
16-digit card number
Expiry date
3-digit CCV number
To view these details from your virtual card(s):
Login to your account
To view your debit card details, navigate to your Checking account. Under virtual card, click 'Details'
To view your credit card details, navigate to your Credit account. Under virtual card, click 'Details'
Just like you would keep your wallet safe, it's important to keep your virtual card details secure and make sure others can't access it.
How do I use a virtual card to pay in-store?
To use tap to pay, you can add a card to Google Pay or add a card to Apple Pay.