This article is intended for personal accounts.
If you don't use your account for an extended period of time, it may be marked as dormant or inactive. Adro does not charge a dormant account fee or inactivity fee. If your account continues to remain dormant, it could eventually be closed.
When is my account considered dormant?
If your account has a balance of less than $10, and no transactions have occurred in a 5 month period, Adro will consider your account to be dormant. Login activity does not affect your account's dormancy status.
Do transfers from my Adro account to another Adro account still count as activity?
No. A transaction is defined as any of the following:
A purchase or bill payment
Direct deposit
Withdrawal from an ATM
Transfer to/from an external bank account
Are there any dormant account fees?
No. Adro does not charge dormant account fees.
What happens if my account is dormant?
Once your account is dormant, you will be notified via email. After 90 days without any account activity, it could eventually be closed.
How do I reactivate my account if it is dormant?
All you have to do is make a transaction once every 5 months or add funds to keep your account balance over $10. To reactivate your account, you do not need to contact Adro.
If I occasionally login, is that enough to prevent my account from being marked as dormant?
No. Login activity does not affect your account's dormancy status.
If one or more of my accounts is closed due to inactivity, can I reopen an account in future?